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“HoW cAn I GrOW my ApP to 1,000,000 USerS?” — Why this is the wrong question to ask -
I recently saw this question asked on Quora and, well, I thought I’d tap out a quick answer.
Yesterday I wrote about going from 100–10,000 users.
This, I thought, ties in quite well so wanted to elaborate a little more.
Specifically, I wanted to focus on why this is the wrong question to ask.
Why asking about growing to 1,000,000 users is the wrong question
Whether you’re building a freelance copywriting business or trying to get new users to your app, asking how you can make $1MM is the wrong question.
That is, unless, you’re already at $100,000+.
The only thing you need to focus on right now is getting to the next level.
If you’re at $0, it’s all about getting to $100.
From $100 to $1000.
$1000 to $10,000.
And so on.
Sure, you want to know what you’re trying to get to in the end.
However, you need to focus right now on getting to the next step. Here’s a great image from Jack Butcher of Visualize Value to demonstrate.