I see this topic come up time and time again.
A lot of advice for driving traffic to a new site or brand is wonderfully vague.
It’s bullshit ideas and aspirational goals like…
- Publish better content than the competition
- Add internal links
- Secure backlinks
And just like that, in 6–12 months you have a chance of ranking.
Don’t know about you, but, I’m not a fan of having to wait 6–12 months for feedback on whether or not my content really is better than the competition.
The fast way of generating more traffic
I’ve wasted years of time and effort following the “do good work and wait for Google to recognise it” model.
But as soon as I changed my mindset and approach to get quick results, I saw immediate improvements in all key metrics.
And by key metrics I mean…
- Traffic to key pages on my site
- Conversion rate from traffic to free email subscribers
- Conversion rate from free email subs to paying customers
Here’s the simple, but highly effective promotion strategy Dan and I have been using to…